Matthew A Brown


Creative Director, Co-Founder

Paper Lanterns is a collaboration with Mark Hulme and Five Star Films (Jobs). We’ve been developing original TV and film projects and putting together physical pitch books that more closely resemble brand books. The intent is to lay the groundwork for the brand from the earliest stages of development. I wrote two of the pilots in Volume I (The SHOP and Antrim) and led the concept and creative for the books themselves.

The books combine traditional elements—logline, synopsis, episode outline, character overview—with custom art/design and marketplace positioning, including what I call ‘the bleed’ which suggests how the fictional world may bleed and cross into the real world of viewers whether through specific story elements, show marketing or brand partnerships.

This is the lookbook for the first three pieces of IP: Antrim, The SHOP, and Pharmland. Concept art samples below.